Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Microsoft Says Paying Developers Is Not Its Main Strategy for Getting More Windows Apps

Microsoft Says Paying Developers Is Not Its Main Strategy for Getting More Windows Apps

Microsoft has raised more than a few eyebrows with a new promotion that pays developers $ 100 for each new Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 app they create.



The offer promises developers $ 100 for each app they bring to the PC or phone, up to a total of $ 2,000.

But paying for apps is a risky game. Such a move can boost the total number of apps, but seems unlikely to convince big-name developers to bring their apps to Windows.

Microsoft, for its part, seems to agree. In a statement to AllThingsD, a representative said that paying developers is not its primary strategy, noting that the promotion is a limited-time offer that runs only through the end of June.

“We believe the best apps come from those partners who are invested in the platform and own their experience now and in the future,” Microsoft said. ” Of course, we are always working to spark creativity with new developer audiences and sometimes try limited incentives or contests, like Keep The Cash. However, it is not representative of an ongoing program.”

Microsoft added that it is encouraged by both the quality and number of apps out there, noting it now has four times as many apps as it did when Windows 8 launched.

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