Friday, March 1, 2013

AT&T Attacks T-Mobile in New Ad, Says Rival the One Dropping More Calls

AT&T Attacks T-Mobile in New Ad, Says Rival the One Dropping More Calls

After enduring years of attacks from T-Mobile, AT&T this week unleashed a rebuttal ad taking shots at its smaller rival.

AT&T's anti-T-Mobile ad

In ads that ran in major papers this starting on Thursday, AT&T claims T-Mobile drops twice as many calls and has 50 percent slower download speeds. The ads, AT&T says, are a response to T-Mobile’s years of attack ads rather than any one particular spot.

“T-Mobile’s advertising is a combination of being misguided and just plain wrong,” AT&T said in a statement. “This is just a friendly reminder of the fact that independent third-party testing says AT&T’s network delivers faster speeds and fewer dropped calls than them.”

T-Mobile says that AT&T’s move shows it has found a sore spot.

“Looks like we struck a chord,” CMO Mike Sievert said in a statement. “AT&T doth protest too much. Glad they’re spending their money to print our name.”

And, of course, it wasn’t so long ago that AT&T was trying to buy the company whose network it is now is attacking.

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