Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Jimmy Iovine Explains His $60 Million Music Plan

Jimmy Iovine Explains His $60 Million Music Plan

jimmy_iovine_dive2Hey, Jimmy Iovine! You just got $ 60 million to launch a new subscription music service!

What are you going to do with it?

The legendary music producer, executive and headphone marketer hasn’t spelled out all of his plans just yet. We’ll have wait until later this year to see exactly what he’s going to roll out to compete with the likes of Apple, Spotify, Pandora, and perhaps Google (x2).

But last month at D: Dive Into Media, he gave Walt Mossberg a pretty good sense of what he’s working on â€" a highly curated service, as opposed to the robot+friends approach most of his competitors use â€" as well as a history lesson on the rise and fall of the music industry.

Here’s the entire interview:

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